Monday, September 26, 2005

In an effort to curb the steadily increasing velocity of the “poverty avalanche” that seems to be pervading our financial livelihood, at the moment, I am attempting to procure part-time work in the evenings. In layman’s terms, “We’s broke and we needs sum muney. We ain’t got enuf vittles, ya’ll.”

With that said, the prospective places I’ve applied at have yet to contact me regarding the applications I’ve turned in…but that’s not to say they won’t. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself. Things aren’t exactly just peachy in the old pocketbook and time is quickly running out before people start pulling the plugs on things until we can grease their palms with some greenbacks.

Ain’t life just grand? *sigh* At any rate, let’s move on to brighter things. If you’d like to check out a really odd and somewhat freaky site… direct your browser over to . It helps to have a broadband connection and you’ll need to have Flash installed on your system to view the rooms. It’s darkly intriguing to me…and seems to go along with my hum-drum mood at times. Apparently there is no equivalent to OSHA in Germany that might prevent local web-heads and artists from journeying through old, abandoned industrial sites and turning them into strangely disturbing art galleries. Enjoy.

Recent Intellectual Illuminations:

1) I’ve developed an odd addiction to Mountain Dew: Pitch Black II…don’t ask me why. Is my eye supposed to twitch like this? (kidding)

2) A SuperSoaker water gun will sufficiently motivate a household cat to leave the sanctuary of a cubby hole beneath the neighbor’s front porch. This was necessitated by the fact that the cat in question is:
a) female
b) in heat
c) an escapee from the confines of our house.
Needless to say, the cat was neither happy to be caught, nor thrilled about the rather moist methods I
used just prior to its capture.

3) Small, plastic, fishing-lure-like worm toys that my child loves to throw about…will adhere to painted walls and will leave small, dark, greasy stains when removed. Ask me how I know. They also stick nicely to blown ceilings.

4) Many restaurants openly advertise that they serve ONLY Pepsi products at the soda fountain, yet most offer Dr.Pepper. Dr.Pepper is, and has always been, owned and bottled by Coca-Cola. Is Dr.Pepper untouchable?

It’s time to rest and ponder on these matters. More later.

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