Tuesday, September 06, 2005

In an effort to break away from convention, I will begin this entry without the word "Well". It seems that at least 4 out of my last 5 entries began with "Well". While not grammatically incorrect, it does tend to place me in somewhat of a linquistic "rut", if you will.

At any rate, here's today's entry; As for the reference to item "M" from the previous post, things turned out just fine. In fact, they turned out amazingly well. I'll leave it at that. In other news, my youngest son will begin his soccer practice tonight at 6pm. I'm looking forward to watching both boys develop their skills and enjoy what they like doing.

While I'm not much of an "organized sports" fan, myself... my wife has always been into that sort of thing. It seems odd to me, in light of the majority of people in the world being fans of sports, that I never fell into the whole fanatical lot of them. I like MOTORSPORTS... If it has an engine and a driver, I'll watch it. It seems to be an amazing challenge, to me, to be strapped into a highly-sophisticated and powerful vehicle...with only your skills, your bravery and luck on your side...and make the machine perform to it's maximum potential against all sorts of odds. Everything else just involves a bunch of people playing with their balls. ~grin~

That's all for now.... as always, more later.

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