Thursday, March 09, 2006

Howdy folks!! No, I haven’t died nor dropped off the face of the earth due to some anti-gravity experiment gone horribly askew. I’ve just been the unfortunate victim of a very busy schedule, of late. I do apologize.

While this entry may be brief, due to time constraints, I will update you on some key points of interest with regards to my life.

A) I have endured the flu. It sucked… and the dry cough from it remains.
B) The combined efforts of my father, my friend and myself…have wrought the beautiful result of a new front deck / porch for our humble home. Pictures of this are forthcoming.
C) After a brief, but impressive, downburst of rain and intense straight-line winds today… conditions are favorable for some pictures of the new Jeep Liberty. I plan on taking those tonight… so those are also forthcoming.
D) One of my brother-in-law’s is an infantile, moronic, panty waist. The other one is a pretty cool guy. Unfortunately, I had to endure the former this past weekend. Quite possibly one of the suckiest days of the year, thusfar.
E) It is now quitting time, and I have matters to attend to at the homestead. Therefore, this entry is at an end.

More to follow soon. Don’t worry… I won’t make you wait very long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You don't allow comments on your yahoo 360. you blog or uh, blogs...