Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ok ok ok… So I made you wait a week-1/2. I seem to have this propensity for blog-procrastination. Hrmm… I need to work on that, I reckon.

So I guess yall would like an update. Ok. The flu is gone (thank God) and things were better…briefly. Now I’m battling Mother Nature and her orgasm-of-pollen. Yes, it’s that time of year again when those affected by seasonal allergies admire the colors, but wish they could put tiny zip-loc baggies on all the blooms. Zyrtec & Afrin & Kleenex…they be me mates.

There’s a few “rants” that I’m gonna toss out because, well, that’s kinda why I made this Blog to begin with. I’m sure that from time to time, my views might seem a bit narrow-minded or uninformed. That very well may be the case. I don’t claim to be right…merely opinionated. It was once said, and rightly so, that opinions are like assholes…we all have our own and all of them tend to stink. Be aware that this entry will contain ADULT MATERIAL.

That being said, if you’re easily offended or wear your feelings on your sleeve… you might want to steer clear of my blog. I tend to be rather blunt and to-the-point in here. Why, you may ask? Because nobody is forced to read this, and we all have a right to speak our minds. I just choose to do so in a non-offensive and somewhat private forum.
Let’s see… the first item of business is… Piercings.

Oh my… where shall I start. The things I’ve seen people do to themselves on the internet for either shock value, or for acceptance into the “extreme” crowd, is just disturbing. It can range from one piercing by some barely 17 year old girl to look trendy… all the way up to some poor fool who has basically turned him or herself into a clinking monstrosity that once was part of mainstream humanity but sadly is no more.

They jab shit through their eyebrows…the bridge of their nose…the center of their nose…the side of their nose…bottom lip…top lip…cheek…ears…nipples…scrotums…penises…vulvas…clitoral hoods…and tongues. Some even stretch their earlobes out with these odd looking things that resemble the snap on the front of a pair of Levi’s. They, then, progress to these strange hoop inserts to further ruin their lobes. Some could quite literally use their ears to “jump rope”. It’s hideously sad.

A huge fad right now is the tongue-piercing. This is mainly done by young girls for the purposes of looking “daring” or “trendy” or “wild”…and has a sexual stigma attached to it that advertises their willingness to pleasure a man, orally. Some MEN actually get this done and look like total homo’s , in my opinion.

If large breasts being a visual distraction weren’t enough of a complaint by women… imagine the difficulty a man has with looking a woman in the eye when she’s got one of these things in her tongue!! How easy is it to pay attention to the subject matter at hand when you have the miniature equivalent of a ball bearing, door knocker or tiny, fluorescent sea anenome jumping in and out of view between their moving teeth?

As if men didn’t have enough problems with thoughts of sex… this just drags us back to the mental gutter with thoughts of … “Hmm… I wonder if she’s any good at that?” And not only that, at least 50% of women with this done (mainly the larger piercings) sound like a kid with Downs Syndrome. How intelligent does this make you appear? You want to be respected, but you sound like you’re trying to carry on an articulate conversation with the oratory skills of a deaf person.

Other piercings share a similar issue with the tongue piercing, in the fact that they tend to just get in the way of other actions. The tongue piercing is supposedly designed to be function as a sensation enhancer to orally stimulating the male. Regardless of whether or not this actually is the case… wouldn’t a clit-hood piercing pretty much interfere with the oral stimulation of the clit itself? Why would a man want to battle this metal stud out of the way in order to stimulate the woman? Not having been with a woman that’s had this performed to herself, I lack practical experience in this area. So, I can only surmise that it would be an issue. Perhaps it’s not….who knows?

At any rate… piercings just tend to be unattractive, cumbersome, distracting, and somewhat inhibiting of the body’s normal function. In addition to my “opinions” on this matter… a study has been released by the Academy of General Dentistry urging people NOT to pierce their tongues in an attempt to avoid costly dental work to repair chipped teeth. Damage is reported to typically occur to teeth directly adjacent to the piercing on either side of the tongue. Thick scar tissue can also be a factor around the piercing and, in some cases, a severe infection can occur.
Item #2: Men with earrings…

Ok, I know this is even more controversial because over the past 20 years, it’s become more mainstream than alternative. However, there are still those among us who have chosen not to look like either a pirate or a pimp. If one wasn’t bad enough, now we have guys walking around with 2-karat studs in BOTH ears. I’ve never been a fan of men wearing earrings. But, like so many other people, I’ve come to accept it as something that’s not leaving popular culture anytime soon. Many rock stars wear them, and I can’t rightly shun their good music for a trendy piece of jewelry. So… as much as I don’t really like them, I’m forced to turn a blind eye to them. But the double earrings just look gay. I’m sorry. What are you… Yul Brynner, King of Siam? Damn.
Item #3: What is the deal with the pot-heads??

Ok. We all know that Pot / Hash / Marijuana / Weed / Kronic or whatever the hell ELSE you wanna call that nasty, stinkin’ shit… is a) illegal and b) harmful to you. If you deny either of these, you’re only showing your own stupidity. I could post the proven medical side effects of suckin down this crap. And yea, I used to smoke cigarettes…. I got smart and quit before it was too late. So yea, I have room to talk now. I have a few questions….

1) What the hell is 420…and why does this number somehow coincide with these Kronic huffers?
2) Why do people think that blowing their money on this crap is cool? They end up in a useless, dull stupor, with an appearance like that of somebody suffering from intense allergies. SO dumb…
Item #4: 56 hours a week with no overtime pay?!?!

Yup, you heard it right. I average that or more every week. No overtime pay. Why? Because I’m working 40 hours at one job… and an average of 16 or more hours part-time at my 2nd job. I get Thursday evening off to stay with my boys while the wife works late at her medical clinic, I get part of the day off on Saturday and Sunday is the only day I get time away from both jobs. I’ve been doing this for 6 months now, and it’s helped our budget. But, I’m getting tired of hardly ever being at home.

I either need to get a raise at my day-job… get paid overtime at my day-job… or find a job that offers more. That’s the only way I can drop a 2nd job and be able to go home when I should. I just don’t know what I’m gonna do yet.
Now I’ll address the whole PICTURE issue. As you might have read, I’ve mentioned that I plan to post pictures of not only my wife’s new Jeep Liberty… but also of our new front deck. However, weather and time haven’t permitted me much opportunity to fulfill either plan since the time I mentioned doing so.
It’s either been dark, raining, or both ever since that time. I’m hoping that conditions will improve very soon and I can post some new pics. Until then, I ask for your patience and understanding.

Now that I’ve amused some of you, offended others, and probably have shown my age… I’ll let it rest here for now.

Oh… P.S. – I received a comment about me having turned my “comments” off on my Yahoo 360 page. I honestly don’t ever remember seeing a Comments section available on my Yahoo 360 page. I know there’s a Comments section available on MySpace.com profiles. But unless I’ve overlooked it or possibly turned it off by accident… I don’t think it’s on Yahoo 360. Someone help me out here if I’m wrong.


~Georgia Peach~ said...

Boy you do like to rant dont you? LOL j/k TTYS

Anonymous said...

I have both of my eirs pierced and I'm not gay!! Just how big a boy are ya anyway? Maybe I'll jus come over thar and beat yer ass!!

Jason said...

In response to SOONER-DEAD... I'm 6'-7" tall and I weigh close to 260lbs. I'll be more than happy to break this size 16 Justin cowboy boot off in your prissy Okie ass anytime you're ready. Didn't say you were gay...just LOOK gay. Oh...and Roy D. Mercer, you ain't. Go play with your jewelry.