Saturday, October 20, 2007

My rant, today, comes on the tails of some recently disturbing news that I read about the author of the world-famous Harry Potter series of children’s books. Many of you may have already heard or read about this. But, I was shocked and dismayed at the revelation by author J.K. Rowling that one of her lead characters in the series, Professor Albus Dumbledore, master wizard and Headmaster of Hogwarts, is gay.

My first impression was that of disbelief. Not only that she would taint her mythical storyline with such a controversial and problematic topic such as homosexuality. But, also that she would take it upon herself to taint children’s minds with this disturbing topic, in the guise of a children’s story.

It is one thing for a person to grow up and choose their own moral path, once they’ve grown to mental maturity. It’s another matter to influence a child’s innocence and confuse their perception of sexual practices and orientation. An author takes an unspoken and accepted responsibility upon themselves when they choose to enter the realm of children’s books. A child is very impressionable, and can be mentally molded in behavior by what they are exposed to at an early age. Professional tact and good taste have governed good authors to steer clear of "mature" matters when it came to writing childrens' fact or fiction stories, in times past. It would seem that this is, sadly, no longer common practice.

Psychologists have concluded that the behavioral and psychological patterns that a person retains from childhood can very well influence their actions and beliefs throughout life. To be so thoughtless as to impress one’s personal acceptance of this so-called “alternative” lifestyle upon an innocent, impressionable young person is at the very root of unprofessionalism!

Mrs. Rowling began to entertain the masses with her world of wizardry and magic in a most innocent and non-offensive manner. Of course, Christian Fundamentalists immediately flew off their respective rockers… assuming that a fanciful, mythological, imaginative world of hocus-pocus was in some way the teaching of the Devil, himself. This sort of fanatical behavior is just as wrong. Where were these people when Walt Disney offered us the make-believe stories of Peter Pan? Cinderella? Snow White? Were these not also considered to be “widespread teachings of magic and sorcery”? The true problem began with involving mature issues in a story that they did not belong in.

It’s no more ethical and professional to state that Snow White had an orgy with the 7 dwarves… or that Cinderella was sexually assaulted by her wicked stepsisters… or that Peter Pan and the Lost Boys were a horde of flying faggots!

Is it not enough that our society is literally saturated with debauchery in the media and cinema? Won’t children have to be exposed to this unnatural and perverse behavior in years to come? I plead with the authors who touch these innocent children’s lives… to consider their own childhood and the entertainment they received as children. Bert and Ernie weren’t considered “gay” in the 70’s… they were roommates. There is such a thing. Two women or two men can actually be friends… they don’t have to be sexual “partners”.

It’s this deplorable and morally corrupted society of today that has felt compelled to re-label the innocence of things with the premise of homosexuality… because of nothing more than popular mass media pressure tactics. Special interest groups are in overdrive to force-feed acceptance of this sickening practice upon every person on the planet to the point of invading the sanctified arena of childhood. Perhaps they want to get a jump on altering perception of their chosen practices, so as to eliminate future objections? It’s a pretty low and underhanded tactic… but what can you expect. Only through reinforcement from like kind can they avoid their own guilt. If everyone is for it… then it can’t be wrong. At least…that’s what they want the reality of it to be.

I fully realize that some of my readers may be of a different viewpoint, and you’re fully within your rights to see things as you wish. I no more presume to force my views on anyone, than I’d want them to force them on me. I’m merely stating my position, because I’m compelled to try and be the voice of reason.

Children aren’t stupid. I know that. Some children, God help them, have already been exposed and damaged by this whole topic. But, thankfully, there are those who are still innocent. Those whose minds aren’t twisted and damaged by this mess… who want to believe in the magic of Santa Claus… the Tooth Fairy… The Easter Bunny.

I’m not a holy-roller… nor am I perfect… nor am I immune to sin. I’m no better a person than Mrs. Rowling. In fact, in some ways, I’m sure I’m much worse. But, regardless of that fact… she should not involve sexual matters and issues within stories that small children read.

As for this house… we’ll not reward Mrs. Rowling for her actions with our money. The purchasing of Harry Potter material is at an end.

More later.

1 comment:

Saline County, Arkansas Photos said...

It makes me wonder if she hasn't been a pervert all along? Why else would she throw something like that out there?