Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Ok kiddos… I know I kinda left ya’ll hanging at the end of last week, so I’ll give you the low-down on what all happened.

Do I have the tattoo? No. I’ll explain why. As I mentioned in the last posting, I was going to head up to 7th Street Tattoos to get some inking from Adrian. The price & availability at the time I wrote the last post was still up in the air. I got an email from Adrian later that evening before I headed to my 2nd job…and he quoted me a price of $150-$180 dollars!!! I just about shit my pants. $180 for THAT??

Needless to say, I didn’t have that much to spend on something so simple and small. I decided to concede and check with the place that my wife got hers at. I was told over the phone that I’d need to come in and see the guy that ran the shop. I was told to bring the design and he’d give me an estimate.

I finished up at the 2nd job, and after having butterflies in my stomach all day long….headed into Little Rock to hopefully tackle this hurdle. I got to the shop, and walked in. Naturally, I was the only 6’-7” cowboy with no ink standing in the midst of the “Inked and Pierced” of our society. The feeling, I would imagine, is somewhat like being naked on the 50 yard line at the Super Bowl.

I signed in and wandered aimlessly about…checking out flash and artwork…and all manner of painful looking piercing pictures. Eventually, someone who looked like they actually worked there came out. After clinking her way behind the bar, she asked one couple some questions…then came over to me. I told her that I had a tattoo design that I brought…and wanted to get it put on my shoulder. Now, keep in mind that I’d just driven about 30 miles to get here.

She said, “Oh, we couldn’t do a custom design tonight. We’re already booked with work. But I can get you a price...I'll be right back.” Immediately, my adrenaline high was extinguished. I felt cheated…disappointed…angry….and a bit sad. She came back quickly, and handed me the paper. “Here you go!” she said with a smile. The paper read… $180. I just about shit my pants for the 2nd time that day.

It was at this point that all hope went up like an oily rag in a burn barrel. I left the place, still being watched curiously by some anorexic chick with a spike through her bottom lip and purple hair. I decided that, as usual, I would be the one cheated out of equal treatment. All the way home, I felt like a heavy wet blanket of disappointment and frustration was laying on me. I did my best to just move on, that evening…but I’m sure my mood didn’t set well with the wife.

Since then, I’ve talked with several people about my experience with the two shops. All of them have looked at my design, the color, the location and size. They all echo the same sentiment. I was being robbed. They’re all glad I didn’t pay the price. At least I apparently made a good decision by not throwing cash at the first artist who quoted me a price.

I’m still getting it… but I’ve got a few more places to check out, first. As for the pictures of my new deck…THAT’S D-E-C-K….I should be able to snap those tonight. Also, since we’ve “sprung forward” on Daylight Savings Time, it won’t be dark by the time the wife shows up. I should be able to get some photos of her ride as well.

I’ll post more later. Ya’ll take care until then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Better luck next time! You saved yourself some money it seems. So, that's a good thing. Have a good one!