Monday, February 13, 2006

Howdy boys n’ girls…and anonymous commenter. It would seem that the “day of love” is once again upon us. Time to shower the object of your affection with gifts of chocolate, flowers, candy hearts, red hots, valentine cards and stuffed animals.

Love is a very powerful, yet sometimes blind, leader of our lives. Love binds special people together through trials and joys. Love can be precious, passionate, sympathetic and loyal. Love can also make someone give all they have, freely….only to find that the sentiment isn’t mutual. As I said…love can sometimes be blind.

But through happiness or hardships, love tends to remain even through hearts sometimes get knocked around and trampled on. It’s all a matter of looking past the shell to the innermost part of someone. When you can truly see their heart…when they let you in… it’s a special and precious gift they give. Always cherish that when it happens. By doing this, they are showing their devotion to you.

Now that the mush has been tossed out there…on to other matters. As for the question about the new Jeep (from the prior post) it is 2WD. Ideally, I would have gotten the 4x4 version… but the incentives and rebates aren’t coming into effect until the end of the year. We may return and upgrade to a nice 4x4 at that time, with plenty of equity still left in the vehicle.

The extended warranty we chose will add value to the trade if we come back in, because the next buyer won’t have to pay for it to be carried on the vehicle. The money we saved in getting the 2WD enabled us to insure its value with the warranty. Pretty smart tactics.

The picture is still forthcoming… and will be posted soon. More later.

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