Tuesday, October 25, 2005

As many people tend to do, these days, I was recently surfing around through Ebay when an interesting question came to mind. I’m a rather reminiscent person, and I suddenly wondered if there were people who were placing toys on Ebay that I’d grown up with. I decided to toss out a few searches, and I was genuinely surprised by what I actually found!

This got me to thinking more and more about exactly which toys I owned while growing up and how much fun I had with them. My imagination was my best friend, being out in the countryside. I didn’t have a lot of kids nearby to play with during summer vacations. So, I’d take my toys outside in a camouflage gym bag and create adventures that might last ¾ of the day!!

My children are growing up in an “instant” world. Entertainment is provided for them without any requirement for imagination. I have to nearly force them to turn the TV and video games off and play with their toys, these days. Thankfully, they enjoy reading.

Oh, don’t get me wrong… I’m part of the video game generation. I cut my teeth on the likes of Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Q*bert and Space Invaders. I’ve seen it all and played most of it. So, I thought it might be fun to throw out a few memories of mine. Who knows, you might share many of them with me.

Toys I Remember Having As A Child: (this could be a long list)

GI Joe action figures:
1) Snake Eyes & Timber (his wolf)
2) Mainframe
3) Beach Head
4) Airborne
5) Lady Jay
6) Cobra B.A.T.
7) Gung-Ho (original)
8) Wet Suit
9) Doc (original)
10) Quick Kick
11) Grand Slam (original with silver pads)

GI Joe playsets / vehicles:
1) GI Joe L.A.W. playset
2) GI Joe J.U.M.P. jetpack pad playset
3) GI Joe Outpost Defender playset
4) GI Joe Skystriker “f-14 tomcat"
5) GI Joe Devilfish "boat"

1) Green Cykill
2) Jeeper Creeper
3) Master Blaster
4) Dive Dive

Go-Bots Playsets:
1) Thrust-1 (evil base) playset

Transformers: A=Autobot D=Decepticon
1) Optimus Prime (A)
2) Dirge (D)
3) Warpath (A)
4) Skydive (A)
5) Red Alert (A)
6) Jet Fire (A)
7) Blaster (A)
Miscellaneous other toys I recall.....

- Voltron Motorized Lion Set (all 5 lions)
- “Dr. J” Wilson basketball
- Brown stopper-gun set with red, firing, stopper darts
- Lincoln Logs (logs and slats were wood…plastic chimney)
- Erector Set
- Tinker Toys
- Hot Wheels
- Stomper trucks
- Nikko Turbo-Panther R/C dunebuggy
- Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun
- Crossman AR17 combo Pellet/BB gun
- Crossman 357-6 pellet pistol
- Coleco Electronic Quarterback (handheld game)
- Simon (game)
- LiteBrite (electronic toy)
- Candyland, Sorry!, Checkers, Chinese Checkers, Dominos, Operation, Clue (board games)
- HeMan & The Masters Of The Universe figures w/ Castle Greyskull
- Star Wars figures (first issue)

I warned you this would be a long list... but I think I've gone on long enough. I could recall movies & TV shows that I enjoyed, but that would be almost unbearable here. At least I'm posting entries more often!! More later.

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