Friday, November 18, 2005

Hrmm… here it is, the 18th of November and I’m looking forward to my eldest son’s 9th birthday party tonight. My oh my, where does the time go? Doesn’t seem like that long ago that I was holding my firstborn in Children’s Hospital. He was a preemie…born 2 months early and weighing only 2 lbs.-5 oz.

He was, and still is, my miracle boy. Now he’s nearly as tall as my wife and weighs a hefty 90 lbs. He’s having his party in a football theme. Many of his school buddies are coming over for a bonfire weenie roast and smores. The cake’s done and the house is clean, so things seem to be ready.

Tomorrow, I’m headed out to our friends’ place down in south Arkansas to do some serious deer hunting. Oh, we have deer around my place…but I live near a wildlife refuge. We have several hunting clubs that think they own the woods around my place…and with so many of em running around with their guns and 4-wheelers, it’s a wonder anybody kills any deer. Most smart deer head over to the refuge during the day and only venture out to feed in pastures at night. I know… I’ve seen em.

Down where I’m going, there is more land and fewer hunters per acre. I stand a very good chance of at least seeing a deer if not shooting a deer. That reminds me…I gotta clean my gun tonight. It’s been in storage since last season.

Well… I’ll close this entry by saying that I’m sorry for the “few and far between” status of my entries of late. But, I’m working two jobs right now and it doesn’t leave a tremendous amount of time for blog entries. I’ll post what I can as soon as I can. Please bear with me.

Y’all take care and I’ll post again soon!!

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