Monday, October 24, 2005

Howdy boys n’ girls. Looks like we’re back together for another installment of the redneck’s rant. Hrmm…yea, it’s been another long gap between entries. While I do apologize, again, for the delay of new material on a daily basis… at least it does tend to give me more to comment on when I do come back to update the blog. Without further adieu, I’ll crack the old knuckles and we’ll journey down the twisted path of my mind for an insightful look into the whole “Jason Experience” as of late.

I’ve been dealing with a pinching pain in my upper back, located over my left shoulder and between the shoulder blade and spine. I’ve tried stretches, heat, a new chair, and corrective posture habits. Nothing seems to get the slight “burn” out of that area…and it even goes slightly numb from time to time. It isn’t incapacitating… but it’s definitely annoying. I think it stems from a lack of adequate support in the chair I was forced to use her at the new job, a bad habit of slouching whilst working on the PC (since most monitors are not situated at a level equal my eyes), and the fact that I’m not 18 anymore.

Does anyone know how to stop a female cat from “yoweling” at night while she’s in heat? The constant “mmrrOOOWWWWwrrr” and trilling is driving me insane. My wife calls this cat her “purr-purr-princess”…so you can imagine how spoiled this thing is. I can’t believe how often this cat goes through menstrual cycles. Apparently I’ve never paid that much attention to it before, but they’re in heat and begging for some about every other week, it seems!!! I’ve never seen anything like it!! She’ll sit there and bat her eyes… trill out a little purr…and wiggle her ass like “I neeeeeed it!!!” Ugg…. Somebody get this cat FIXED!!!

Well, with it being practically the end of October, now, here’s an update on what the kiddos are dressing up as. My youngest son is going as the movie version of Wolverine from X-Men. There’s a cute story behind this character and my kid…but I won’t take up space here with it. He’s got the suit, the little claws, and we’ll be styling his hair and giving him a pair of makeup “sideburns”. He should be very cute. My oldest boy is going as a Star Wars “Clone Trooper” from the last movie to hit the big screen. He has a trooper suit, complete with helmet. The “blaster rifle” toy is on order and should be here in just a few days.

My wife and I are big kids when it comes to the holidays, and we want our kids to always have good memories of the things we did as a family during special times. So, she and I dress up each year to take them up to an event at our capital city’s zoo, called “Boo At The Zoo”. I’m going as the Grim Reaper… and the wife is going as a witch. We both feel that our costumes tend to represent the best of our bad side. I’m typically the harbinger of doom… while she’s typically brewing up trouble.

I’ll let you know how things go. More later.

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