Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Today’s entry is not a rant. Today’s entry is about the loss of a dear friend who I've never had the honor to meet. His name is known around the world, in almost every country. And his enthusiasm for life, his dedication to the cause of wildlife conservation and the excitement he shared with us through his adventures, made him a living legend.

His name is Steve Irwin, better known as the “Crocodile Hunter”. The news of his death came by phone from a good friend of mine. I was out riding ATV’s with some friends of ours, and at first I thought it was just impossible. I just didn’t want to believe that the man who seemed impervious to nature’s perils could be gone! How in the world could a stingray put a barb exactly between Steve’s ribs and straight into his heart? That would be like… a one in a million fluke of chance!! But, my disbelief and shock soon gave way to sadness. I sat, fighting back tears as I read the official report on CNN.com…and had to take a private moment to grieve.

“Steve-O”, as he often referred to himself, has always been a part of my childrens’ lives. From the time my firstborn showed interest in TV, the Crocodile Hunter series was one of his favorite shows. The whole family would watch with amazement as Steve cheated injury and death with his lightning fast reflexes, his keen wits and his attention to not only his own safety, but that of the animal and the filmcrew as well.

He was definitely a bloke-among-blokes. And even tho I never got the opportunity to shake his hand and thank him for opening my eyes and my heart to his world of wildlife conservation, I fully intend to make it to Australia one day. And when I’m there, I hope to offer my thanks to Australia Zoo and his family. At the very least, I hope to visit his grave and offer my respects.

My prayer is that the Lord will shine His grace, love, comfort and healing down upon the Irwins and their friends. And God bless you, Steve-O. Your legacy and your work will pay homage to the mission you followed. Rest well, mate….By Crikey we miss you.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't have of said it better myself. Rest easy Steve, for your legacy will live on for many years to come.

Anonymous said...

It was a shock! That was a nice write-up.