Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Greetings, salutations and howdy to all my readers. It’s the last day of January, so I thought I’d surprise everyone by tossing another entry into the ol’ blog. Hrmm… I guess I should get everyone up to date with the results of the things I mentioned during the last entry.

Well, Underworld: Evolution was fantastic, in my opinion. Granted, it wasn’t for everyone. But, if you’re a monster fan…specifically a werewolf and vampire fan, you could appreciate the show. As usual, the “high paid critics” did their job of picking it apart into mere scraps of its full scope. It’s comforting to know that I think critics are anally retentive hermits of society with nothing better to do than critique others efforts. I don’t listen to em’ and I don’t recommend others let their movie-going experience get ruined by a bunch of nay-sayers. Watch what you like.

With that being said, on to the W2’s. Today is the last day that employers can sit on their W2 forms and drag their respective feet. The last two items we’ve been waiting on should be showing up soon. Upon receipt of those items, we’re going to implement Project: Back In Black. It’s time to get out of the red and get our bills into a zone of comfort so that we’re not struggling to make the almighty dollar stretch from one paycheck to the next.

After the finances are situated and under control, we’re going to look at the budget and see about adding something fun to our belongings. We’ve dreamed of having an ATV for a long, long time. My father-in-law is extremely happy with the one he has, so I did some research into the different brands and I’m going to go with Arctic Cat. Yamaha makes a mean machine, but I think I’m getting more for my money with AC. They just seem to have more features for the same money. Yamaha wants to bleed you dry.

Here’s a picture of the one we’re considering. It’s a 2006 Arctic Cat 400cc 4x4 Automatic with winch. The camo paint package was just silly on price (an additional $400 for paint), so I’m opting for red to match my truck.

As for the birthdays… the wife’s b-day is coming up on the 6th, and mine is coming up on the 19th. My dear wife will be dragged, kicking and screaming, into her 30’s this month. I’m finding it quite funny. She made certain to razz me over turning 30, and now it’s her turn. Haaaa Haaaa Haaaa!!! Our good friends have already taken us for an extremely good steak supper at a very quaint shopping village down close to where they live. It’s a rather strange, but quite nostalgic, place. They have everything they need to be self-sufficient. A bakery, mechanic shop, furniture store, jeweler, leather shop, restaurant, doctor, taxidermist, church, and the list goes on.

They almost seem to be like a strictly devout Pentecostal group, but not quite. Everywhere you look, men run the place. There were very few women in public view. Those that were providing services talked very little and seemed almost distant from the customers. I kept wondering when they were all going to put on matching jumpsuits with sparkly clean tennis shoes and offer us Kool-Aid. As I said…quaint, but somewhat creepy.

Anyway, I have work to do and I’d better get about it. Hopefully, my next entry will be about the ATV and what has come about in the first part of February. Ya’ll take care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can i paint it pink j? j.k later man have fun