Thursday, July 26, 2007

Well, believe it or not, I’m back. Astounding, I know. But, I felt compelled to vent a bit of frustration at the animation studios, today. It all stems from a brief discussion I had with a fellow worker, this morning. We somehow got onto the topic of childrens’ shows and how they’ve become too adult in nature.

It seems to be a widespread viewpoint within the animation industry that children shouldn’t be treated like children these days. There are all sorts of grotesque references to bodily excretions, crude sexually oriented humor, and foul language that pops up here and there… in CHILDRENS shows! I’ve even seen references to such methodology hidden within the hallowed halls of Disney, itself! Walt would no doubt stand up out of his grave and take a 9-iron to the staff at his beloved organization if he could.

The inherent problem lies in modern society’s obvious distaste for innocense. It seems almost like an effort to instill a “magical” belief in the fairy-tale world of a child’s imagination anymore. Society wants to gut any belief in make-believe characters, traditional figures and a child’s right to BE a child, anymore. The faster they can discredit such notions and push children toward adulthood…the better they like it.

They degrade once humrous cartoons that people took with an unattached sense of humor, and have chopped them to pieces for the sake of Political Correctness. And, without missing a beat, will broadcast a cartoon where a child makes reference to eating dog feces. Yes, I’ve actually seen it myself. And today’s kids are soaking up this televised mess! Sexual inuendos, ebonic urban lingo, an almost unilateral saturation of rap & hip-hop themed music, and crude subject content are what makes a cartoon these days?? Give me Johnny Quest, Speedracer, Looney Tunes, Scooby Doo, Transformers, Gi Joe and Garfield. That is…if they haven’t butchered them into a mangled mess of PC crap, as well.

It’s truly a terrible thing to rape the innocence away from our young generations for the sake of intollerance of its mere existance. Children should be allowed to be children. They shouldn’t be thought of as merely a “grown-up-in-training”. Stop ripping away the cover on reality at a younger and younger age. They have the rest of their lives to witness the cruel reality that we all must endure. At least have the human decency to let them have a time of wonder and happiness. It may very well be the only thing that allows them to cling to sanity later in life. It’s been consistently proven that an unstable, unhappy, violent or neglectful experience as a child tends to lead the individual to similarly associated behavior, later on in life. Conversely, I’ve yet to see a single person ever arrested or jailed for dropping an anvil on another human being like Wile E. Coyote… just to see if they’ll walk off, sounding like an accordian. Give kids credit for some common sense. They sometimes exhibit more intelligence than those in mass media do.

Y'all be good… more later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two blogs in one month?! Wow, I'm impressed!