Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Today’s venture into my warped synapses has to do with another odd phenomenon in advertising. I know what many of you are thinking… “What IS it with this guy and his endless annoyance with commercial advertisements? I don’t blame you one bit for your musings or bewilderments. However, it might surprise you to know that I don’t sit and wait for the opportunity to become annoyed at advertising tactics.

But, it sometimes seems as thought marketers actually want to annoy the crap out of the buying public. Perhaps they believe that if something drives you to the brink of insanity, you’ll remember the product. I’m not sure if these individuals have stopped to consider that gimmicks and tricks only drive away customers… but apparently there must be a plethora of gullible morons who flock to these places. You can rest assured that if a product-promotion campaign drives me nuts, I will remember the name. I’ll remember it and avoid it like a flaming gay clown. (yes, I know that mental picture made you shudder too)

An advertiser that respects my intelligence, presents his/her product or service with dignity and professionalism, and places the value of customer loyalty and service above all else… will be guaranteed to gain both my respect, and business. Sadly, “true” professionalism and tact seems to be at an all-time low in the business world.

I can’t count the number of times where I’ve managed to barely avoid an attempt to reach through my truck’s radio and severely choke the dickens out of some half-wit on a car lot who feels that the only way to get people onto his lot is by standing approximately 4 feet from a perfectly functioning microphone… and acting like a carnival barker for the hearing impaired. The blatantly obvious façade of “excitement” and “enthusiasm” that they try to pull off, typically accompanied by several exaggeratedly dramatic adjectives is also a source of eye-rolling for the author of this blog. The cherry ontop of this little poop-sundae… is when they invariably quip, “I’ll see ya here!!! To which I laughingly remark, “No….ya won’t!” … and then grin my little disgruntled grin.

Do I need therapy? Wait…don’t answer that. Well, at least you know I’m back. Hope you enjoyed it. There will most assuredly be more revelations into my quiet world of insanity in the near future. Until then, the toilet paper always goes “over”….never “under”. Remember that!!!! (twitch twitch twitch)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To answer your question, yes you do need therapy! And are you sure you're not related to Hank Hill?