Monday, July 24, 2006

Well howdy there, kiddos! I see you all have your snacks and drinks ready. Are we all set for yet another shrieking plummet into the dark abyss of my mental synapses? It’s gonna be a deep one…

Fasten your seatbelts and keep any rational expectations of social conformity inside the car at all times. I claim no responsibility for them being sheared off by sharp words or cutting commentary. So, without further adieu…this installment is entitled:

The Politically Correct
~ or ~
A Nation Suffering with Cranial Rectosis

Ohhh you knew I was getting around to this, didn’t you? But of course! It’s time to hack off, peeve, annoy, disenchant, offend and generally irritate the mumbling masses of nervous and trembling “politically correct” within our society with a little bit of harsh honesty and unbridled redneck commentary.

For far too long we have been spoon-fed a slow but steady meal of mass-media-enhanced mental conditioning horse-####. It stems from how the “Powers that Be” feel we (as a society) ought to embrace and handle certain issues. Whether it’s our moral view on people’s sexual orientation or our views on Spanish being popularly adopted as our second national language…Political Correctness has been, hands down, the biggest contributor to the loss of social individualism in recorded history.

Why do I think that? I’ll tell you why. It’s because we have allowed the fear of offending other people’s sensibilities to utterly and completely infest every aspect of our lives and social thinking. It’s to the point now, where cartoons that have been accepted and aired for over 50 years are now being censored for content suddenly deemed “inappropriate” due to PC issues with certain races. Tolerance for non-confrontational racial humor and stereotypes in mass media (in any form) are at their all-time lowest point.

Why can we, as a nation, not recognize and understand our individualism? These days it seems that we’re afraid to be one nation of separate, but equal races. We will continue to be plagued by racism and the fear of Political Correctness until we, as a people, stop trying to meld ourselves into a dysfunctional mass of “supposed” blended uniformity. There is beauty in all races of humanity. We are not all the same culturally, and shouldn’t be. Diversity is our most beautiful aspect, as a nation. Uniformity is an utter bore.

Political Correctness has also told us that all dark-skinned people within the United States are no longer just Americans. No. They’ve all suddenly been descriptively lumped together into a laughably ridiculous designation popularly known today as, “African-Americans”. Oh my dear merciful heavens…what have we come to?

I’m sorry, but every person of the darker persuasion does not have an ancestral link to Africa. Some are Haitian-Americans… others are Jamaican-Americans… etc. etc. etc. You see my point. I don’t believe that we, as a people, have a right to claim ourselves as anything but “American” when we are either born into this nation or naturalized through legal immigration. It does not matter the country of our ancestral origin. We are Americans, first and foremost. Personally, I find it to be nothing more than a big steaming pile of racially motivated crap with nobody but the NAACP benefiting from it. It’s hollow, meaningless, trite and absurd. I suppose, if you want to get technical about the PC-version of what I am…. I might be considered a Euro-Native American.

If anyone had a right to insist upon a differentiating terminology for their particular race, it would be the native peoples of this land. Their nations were decimated, mercilessly, and without justification. All of it was done for nothing more than greed for riches and land. These people were also enslaved, tortured, separated, re-educated, deculturalized and brainwashed. But the nations that remain are still proud.

They are not whiners, nor seekers of specialized social status, because they are mature of mind. They have my profound respect and admiration for their strength and dignity. I have ancestry in both European and Native blood. I could easily start up a tangent-rant about how ridiculous this country has been about the whole “Indian” terminology since it inception… but I won’t. It would do little good, and this blog entry is already resembling War & Peace, by size alone.

I am not a bigot, nor a racist, nor a white supremacist, nor a skin-head, nor a neo-nazi, nor a member of any other organized hate-group. However, I am tired of having the tired old story of racial prejudice being rammed down the throats of the white segment of this nation’s populous over every damn issue that might even remotely portray a black American in the slimmest of negativity. Face it… wrong is wrong, regardless of race. If you’re busted doing something wrong…skin color doesn’t matter. Stop whining about it and march to jail. You are now no longer white, tan, red, yellow or black… you are ORANGE.

And if you think that racial stereotyping and prejudice causes more and more black Americans to show up on the evening news, you need an education. You need only look at the literally staggering percentage of black, poverty stricken youths who would rather sell illegal drugs, join gangs and take their chances against law enforcement rather than graduate high school and/or college. Statistically, there are more black people in America currently suffering in poverty-stricken areas than any other racial segment of the populous. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to deduce that you’re going to see more crime being committed by black citizens. It isn’t racial targeting… it’s merely the inevitable result of statistical percentages!

That being said, let me summarize this whole speech with this final thought for you people. It’s been said that beauty is only skin deep but ugly runs clean to the bone. But I submit to you, that the worst kind of ugly is that of the racially narrow-minded with their personal cultural agendas. And the beauty beneath a skin color comes from dignity in their diversity, with compassion and understanding toward other races.

There… is where beauty and ugliness truly lies. Within the cultural choices we consciously make as a people and in how we treat one another.

Peace, yall.


Anonymous said...

Well stated...

Anonymous said...

There gonna admit you to a mental institution. You know this, right? I'll still come and visit you though!


Jason said...

Yea, I'm sure they will... but hopefully I'll get a comfy cell. Maybe they'll have meatloaf.